Hey guys!
Sunday Jett turned the big 3-0!! WOW, I can't believe that we are not 25.. that is what we both still think we are HA!!
Our friend (Jett's co worker) bought a new house here in Zachary and we spent the day helping him paint! I thought I was a trooper, I painted and the boys trimmed out.. well, finally around 3 Jett said "You know, you might should sit down".. I argued a bit but finally listend. OH.MY.GOSH.... I was so sore. I felt like an old lady. But, Brandon is a good guy and I remember those days of remodeling and not having anyone to help. Plus, seeing those walls before we painted made me want to vomit. These people were pigs that lived there.
I have still been having a hard time eating. I was like this with Colton. The thought of putting ANYTHING in my mouth makes me sick. So I am battling that. And with no eating, I have NO ENERGY! But Kelli (all knowing Kelli) suggested me trying to eat Peanut Butter (at first I thought.. man, is she trying to kill me?? has she not watched the news... but.. she loves me). that has helped alot. Even one cracker with peanut butter on it gives me a little boost of energy. I just keep looking forward to the end of this trimester, that is about how long it lasted with Colton.
Speaking of Colton.. he is such a mess... walking and into everything. I will admit sometimes I watch him with a sense of dread, because I picture 7 months from now, holding a newborn and looking up to see him..oh, i don't know.. pulling the big screen over on himself.. or shoving the dog in the toilet.. yeah, he's that kid.
And he has been biting.. tips anyone? He doesn't do it really to be mean (except one time he bit the crap out of Ryland) he usually does it when he is tired and kissing all over us, he will just chomp down.. I would love some help here!
Well, that is all for now!! Hope this finds you guys well!