Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Visit from the family

WOOOO HOOOOOO!!! The Walker's came to town! In my haste to go to sleep, I totally forgot to write about the visit from the family!!

It was so great. They got here on Friday at about 1, it was Mom, Dad, Roy Jr, Kala and Kelsey!! We had a nice late lunch and then the LSU game was on.. they lost in a bunch of overtimes, the guys were into it, the girls.. umm, not so much!

THEN Jett found BOTH Kent and Jeff's games on the internet radio stations, so we all sat around and listened.. ok, the guys listened til the end, I wimped out and went to sleep, but I DID dream about being there.. ok.. well I wish I had been there but I don't dream about football.. whatev.. I love it that they won!! WOO HOO GO Dragons and Go Panthers!

Saturday we get up and it is raining and dreary but we decide to head to the big city of Baton Rouge to show some sights and of course, SHOP! We took them to the state capitol and to the casino boats, through the ghetto (kind of and not on purpose) then we headed to WalMart. We found the present we are getting for Sammi and then we played with all the toys (ha.. you think I am joking, but I am not) and then decided we were hungry. We ate at Jason's deli, which I love that place. After I threw up (not at the table of course) we left. The guys headed home for.. *GASP** more football and the girls headed off to find PIG stuff for Sammi. We decided that Kala should just make Sammi a Pig comforter instead of buying one.. well, mainly because we could not find one to buy anywhere. So we thought fabric shopping should be a breeze. Umm, not so much. If anyone can find pig fabric, it would be much appreciated. However, I did find a robe to wear in the hospital, score for me.

We then headed to this consignment shop for maternity and children. I have to find a formal to wear to Krista's crowning, you know, since she IS Ms. BRCC and also to Jett's company party. I should have skipped the shops and gone straight to the tent shop.. but that is beside the point. I found a cute little dress, it was only like 65.00 USED.. Kala found Sammi a dress, same story. Needless to say, we bailed on that and headed to Burlington. I found a dress that I am .. ehh, ok with .. not my favorite but at this point, there is NOTHING attractive about me in a dress, so I just settled for this one. Next I have to find some boots, but hey, I have about four days to do that HA!

By the time we were done with all that we (well, I say we but everyone knows that I mean I) were wore out.. so we headed home to the house. We stopped at the store and got stuff to make taco's and finally made it home. I was so tired. The guys were watching a really good movie on lifetime.. oh who am I kidding, it was football again.. same story different verse.. so we spent the rest of the night just hanging out, picking on each other and eating tacos. Jett went and got Krista from the airport, she had flown to Texas for Thanksgiving and so he went to bring her home.. so that was good to have her back.. we miss the snot when she is gone :)

Sunday bright and early it was time for them to leave.. they pulled out around 6 45 and I thought I would go back to sleep.. instead, I pulled everything out of the fridge and scrubbed it. Let's face it, this nesting phase I am going through is going to drive everyone nuts.. luckily Jett and Krista wait til I conk out (which is constantly) to talk about me being psycho..

All in all, it was a great visit from them and I am so happy they made the long trip after a hectic Thanksgiving in Corpus.. I have the best in laws in the world .. and I really and truly mean that :)

Love to all!
Shauna and Bebe

29 days

YIKES.. I can't believe it is only 29 days! WOW.. But, I can say that I AM READY! Ok.. not so ready for the actual giving birth, but ready to meet this sweet child and ready to feel good again. I have been kind of icky the last few days. I guess that I should be happy that I was not one of the many women who are cursed with 9 months of misery.. I have been very lucky.. I am just feeling it now.. My back hurts, my feet hurt, my stomach hurts.. *SIGH* I am just READY.

We go back to the doctor this Thursday! I am hoping he will say everything is good. I don't know why, but I just get nervous every time I go in.. Like, I still can't believe this is happening, we are really having a baby!!

Cyrus did come spend Thanksgiving with us.. it was a great day of boring football and great conversation that led to me *shock* winning a 500.00 bet. Oh yes, I am the all knowing wonder woman :)

Kelli and Krista surprised us last night with our bassinet and some other goodies for the babe!! Jett put it together and it is just beautiful. Now, all I need is a baby to put in it!

KENT and JEFF'S TEAMS BOTH WON LAST WEEKEND!! They have some tough teams to beat this weekend, but I know they can do it. I just wish we were there to cheer them on!

Well, time to go take a nap!

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Dear Friends and Family

First off, I must say, "how bout them Red Raiders????" I am not a huge sports fanatic like Jett, I could care less about most sports, but I just love Texas Tech and I am so glad we beat Oklahoma :)

Ok.. with that said.. back to my posting :)

I went to the doctor on Thursday for my 35 week check up. Can you even believe that in 5 weeks (hopefully just a tad less) we will have this baby here?? I mean, I just can't believe that we will be holding our baby. My excitement can't be expressed by words.

Thinking about all the blessings we have had this past year just brings me to tears, and yes, probably part of that is just the fact that I am an emotional hormonal pregnant woman (Jett and Krista can attest to that).

We had a few (23) of our close friends come over to the house on Saturday to celebrate Thanksgiving with us. We did not want to do it on Thanksgiving day, since everyone will be with their family. It was so nice to have everyone over, and if you know me, then you know any excuse for me to cook / bake is cause for great excitement. I made 2 pecan, 2 apple and 1 cherry pie from scratch. I made a whole bag full of mashed potatoes, 72 deviled eggs, 2 loaves of home made bread, rolls, the ham and the turkey (Jett did the last two). Everyone else brought the sides. Krista and Jett set up a volleyball net, which everyone seemed to enjoy.

I think the main thing for me was looking around as we were about to say grace. It really hit me at how much life has changed and will continue to change for us. A little over a year ago, we moved here not knowing anyone. Yesterday we had so many people we almost ran out of space. It was awesome.. and humbling. I have said this many times, but I am always amazed at how we are taken care of!! I love it.

One of the things that I am most thankful for (other than this new baby) is our neighbors Darren, Kelli, Corey and Sid. They have just become our best friends. At any given time during the day, you will find either us at their house or them at ours. I just tear up when I think of how blessed I am to have them in our life. It is so awesome to think that this friendship will be one that will last us through our lives!!!!!! I just love them!!

On another side note, Kent's team, the Roundrock Dragons AND Jeff's team, the Liberty Hill Panthers, are both going to the PLAYOFFS!! WOO HOO. I am sure a majority of the reason is because of Jeff and Kent's amazing coaching skills! I just wish we could be there to watch them!

Roy, Sherry, Kala, Kelsey and Roy Jr are coming to see us!! WOO HOO. They will leave Corpus on Friday!!! I am so excited. I was very sad that we were having to miss Thanksgiving in Corpus.. this is the next best thing!!!!

Krista leaves to go to Lubbock on Tuesday. She will be back on Saturday. I am happy she gets to go home.. it has been a while..

Cyrus is also coming to see me.. if he knows what is good for him... on Thursday.. I am excited about that as well!!

I guess that is it.. this is a random blog, I know.. just can't seem to concentrate!


shauna, jett and bebe