Monday, September 22, 2008

9 Months Old

To my son:
9 months ago, I finally met you.. I finally got to see your beautiful eyes, and hear your sweet voice.. I got to tell you face to face all of the dreams I have for you.. I got to watch your daddy fall in love with you, as I fell in love with him in such a new way.. the love we have for you bonds us together more solidly than before.. I got to watch the awe in your Auntie Sue Sue's eyes as she held you and her world was changed.. I hope you always feel this love that surrounds you, I hope you always know that you are our reason for living.. we love you

That was THEN

This is NOW:

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Baby News

We are SO excited to share the news of Eli Brody Walker's birth! Sarah and Kent were finally able to meet their sweet baby on September 11th!! you can see pictures on their website

Our friends Dave and Jamie also welcomed their sweet twin baby girls Hayden and Elise on September 4th. Their website is


We are so very blessed. We got back to LA to find that our house, and our good friends and neighbors Kelli's house were the only ones on our street to NOT have a tree in it! Then the floods came! The water came so quick and so fast, that when Darren and Jett decided that the women and kids needed to leave, the water was waist eep. Thank goodness Colton was already at Dana's. The water had freaking SNAKES in it.. so very scary!

The pictures will speak for themselves.. it was a miserable week with NO electricity, limited phone access, nothing in town open...

but, we are all doing fine now.. we lost our fence, screen door and some shingles, not too bad!!

Brandy's house:

The neighbors two houses down JUST finished this addition:

You can see Jett, the water is up to his knees:

We just are glad that things are back to normal for us. we have many friends that live in the Houston area, and are praying for normalcy to return to their lives as soon as possible!!

Visiting Josh / Reunion

My dad decided he would rent an RV so that Jett, Krista, Colton and I could make the trip to Ft. Sumner for the 25th annual Kenyon reunion. I had a lot of trepidition about going.. it was the first time to go home since Josh died AND the reunion was at the lake.. so I had a lot of anxiety, but my family was so strong for me during that time, and I needed to go back. Krista and I talked alot about it, and we knew it would be hard. We also talked to my dad and knew that if we all stuck together, we would get through this.

Dad came to Baton Rouge on Tuesday and we picked up the RV on Wednesday. I got off work at noon and Dad and I packed a whole lot more stuff than we actually needed, but, what the hell, it is an RV!! Jett and Krista got home around 5 and we left. Jett drove first and it was SO funny.. have you seen the movie RV?? He took off quite a few tree limbs down our street.

Then something bad happened, both Dad and Krista all the sudden started feeling really sick. They both slept the 6 hours we drove that night. colton and I sat up front and kept Jett company. We pulled into Shreveport that night.. into a TRUCK STOP!! I cannot believe we stayed in a truck stop, but we did!! Krista and I laugh because all night we heard "Shower number 32 is now ready, shower 32". We woke up the next morning and hit the road.

We drove to Abilene and waited in the Wal Mart parking lot for my cousin Kyla. While we were waiting, I took a shower in the RV in the Walmart parking lot.. can I tell you how strange THAT was?? Kyla and her bf got there, we ate a quick lunch then it was on the road again. Kyla and I had a great time catching up and it seemed we were in Lubbock in NO TIME at all. We took the RV to Dar and David's house, dropped us off and Dad and Kyla went to Mike and Darlenes. I later went and got Kyla and drove her to the hospital to go and see her mom, my Aunt Terri, who was not doing good after her medical ordeal.

We had a great night visiting with Dar, David, Aric and Ashley.. they could not believe how much Colton had grown. We went to bed, got up and headed to Ft. Sumner. When we got there, Dad and Ky dropped us off at Nana's for a bit of visiting. We had lunch and then they came back and it was time for the inevitable... we were going to put flowers on Josh's grave. That was the most surreal experience of my life.. I could not believe that it was happening. The headstone that Nana and my mother had picked out had been put up.. it was beautiful.. a lot of tears fell from our eyes at that moment, we were all somber and sad... I am so thankful that I know the Lord, and I firmly believe that Josh is in heaven.. that alone helps me to deal with my grief.

A much quieter group, we headed out to the lake. Quite a few people were already out there, and they all came to watch us pull (what I dubbed) the Hilton on wheels into camp... we were the biggest RV out there!!

The weekend was so much fun. Jett, Krista, Zach and Reed actually went BACK to Lubbock on Saturday night to go to the TTU game. Jett was not going to miss a chance to visit Jones Stadium if he was that close.

Sunday we spent all morning looking at the radar and realizing that Gustav was heading straight for Baton Rouge, and we felt the need to get home. Now, I know (thanks Molly) that it seems stupid to say "a hurricane is coming, let me head into it" but I just wanted to be close enough so that when it passed we could get in and assess the damage. PLUS the RV place wanted us to have the RV back.. IDIOTS. So we left FS that morning around 11, dropped Ky back off in Abilene and stocked up on supplies and drove until about 2 30 that morning, we got to Vicksburg, MS. The next morming, we woke up and started watching the radar. We decided to get a generator, just in case.. that was the best $800 we have ever spent!!

I will write more about the hurricane in the next post!

The trip was a lot of fun.. yes we got on each other's nerves, and yes it was long.. and yes I was glad to be home, but I am so glad that we went, and so thankful that my dad thought of doing this for us, so that we could spend time together.