Has it been a year since I have posted?? REALLY?? I mean, I guess I do have an excuse, since Cam has come our lives have been pretty hectic. Two kids under 3 years old means less "me" time to do this things.
It is overwhelming to try to catch up on the past year in one blog. I really am not going to try to catch up. I am just going to move forward! Maybe I will remember a couple of things here and there to throw in but for now, we are just gonna start with the present.
We still have not heard a definite date for the move from Louisiana. I feel bad being sad about that but I am SO ready for the next phase of our life. I have finally figured out what I want to do when I grow up (lol) and so each day we are here is one more day I feel I am waiting to start that.
I plan to own and operate my own day care center. NOT out of my house, but an actual full blown center. I have so many thoughts and ideas. Things I have seen in my experience that I love and hate, things I would do different and things I wish were done here. I think this is the ONE time in my whole life that I have decided to do something and I actually believe in myself! I have no doubt that I am going to succeed, and succeed big!! I can't wait to start updating about that...
Back to the move: So we are still kind of in limbo. We had intended to put the house on the market in July, thinking we would be leaving sometime between October and December. That has moved back a month or two and we just don't know what to do. We don't want to get stuck with this house like we did in Lubbock. That was a disaster! So, we just keep waiting for the call that Jett will be transferred. We are ALMOST positive that we will be heading to Houston.. Texas is where our heart is, so we are praying and hoping that is where they send him. It is so difficult to be away from our family, especially since the boys are so young.
The one really bad thing about moving is that we don't think Krista is going to move with us. She has found her love and I don't see him leaving. That breaks my heart for us but fills our heart with joy for Krista. All I have EVER wanted is for her to find that person who loves her unconditionally and helps her to heal from past hurts. They are so cute together. His name is Waylon and he treats her wonderfully.
The boys are doing really well. Colton makes me laugh 1298273498723984728397423 times a day. He always has something to say. he LOVES his brother, except when he is helping me "parent" Cam. He loves to play outside, especially on his toy john deere or the trampoline. He is not a fan of getting dirty, but I feel Krista and Waylon and their mudding fun will help change that! Anything sports, he loves. Watching it on TV, playing with daddy, you name it! He is quite bossy. The other day our neighbor Sidney gave him a snack and told him to have me open it. He looked at her and said "Sidney Jett Walker, you open this for me right now".. YIKES! (Uhh, her name is Sidney Nicole Musselman LOL).
Camden is my tough guy. Guess he has to be around Colton. Never cries when he gets hurt. He fell out of the John Deere, banged his head up pretty badly and then was mad that we did not let him back on it right away. He is walking and jibbering up a storm. He had a pretty bad viral infection when he was 9 months that he could not kick, so he lost a lot of weight. Now that we have that kicked he is a bottomless pit! He loves to run and play with Colton but he also loves to climb up on anyones lap and get some love! He does not have a problem getting dirty.. seems I can't keep him out of the dirt. Mud mustache all the time :)
I am doing well at work. We let our lease expire and are all able to work from home, which I am loving. Jett is still just as busy on the bridge. Lots of guys have been taken off and moved to other jobs, which is why his "done" date has been extended.
I am off to play with the boys on this crisp cool day! Hope y'all have a great week!
The Walkers